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Friday, March 9, 2012

Monkeying Around

Erin and I had plans to take the kids to the Children's Museum, but that plan got squashed pretty quickly when they told us they were closed today to prepare for some event that is being held tomorrow.  So you can imagine the kid's face when we broke the new to them.  I was glad when Erin suggested if we could do something else since we were already out and about.  I was scrambling trying to think because there were limited things we could do indoors since it was such a yucky rainy day.  At first I thought maybe Bounce Spectrum, but then thought of the Monkey Room.  We have not been there since Peyton's third birthday I believe.  And Erin has never been there so it was a nice treat for the both of us.  And, of course, the kids had fun but for some reason I think Erin had more fun than they did!  :)

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