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Monday, March 12, 2012

Bacterial Infection

Peyton has been coughing for two weeks now.  Well, actually we both came down with a cough two weeks ago.  I had it worse than him thinking that I had a bad chest cold with no fever and Peyton was dealing with just a cold with a fever. I had left over antibiotics and I took them hoping they would make me feel better.  Thankfully they did and eventually my cough went away.  Peyton's however didn't. It actually got worse and when he came down with diarrhea, no appetite, and another fever reared its ugly head Saturday (which spiked to 102 late into the night), I knew it was time to get him in to see the doctor.  His cough sounded horrible.  Needless to say he wasn't happy about going to the doctor!
But the office toys kept his mind off of it for a while.  Funny as I watch him play, it seemed like just yesterday he was barely walking playing with those same exact toys.  Boy how time flies.  
So they finally called Peyton's name and as we were walking to the back, Peyton looks up at me and says  "Mommy, we are here to get medicine, so don't let the doctor check me okay?"  I tried not to laugh at his request as I patted his shoulder to comfort him, but I did spot a daddy there with his infant who was cracking up laughing.  It was pretty funny

So after some tears, but not too many because my boy tried his best to be brave, the doctor diagnosed Peyton with bacterial infection in his left lung and his right ear was totally blocked.  She said he sounded terrible.  Poor little guy!  But she fixed us with with some good antibiotics and a sticker for Peyton's bravery!

So we headed home, took our medicine and he passed out from all the excitement of the morning.  He really needed this extra sleep.  He has been having such a hard time with getting a good night sleep with all the coughing and  diarrhea.   He was actually having a very, very good, deep sleep when he rolled off of the bed, which he was not happy about!  :)  But I soon had him back to sleep. 
After he woke up, he seemed more like himself.  More like his silly little self.   I hope we all stay healthy for at least a little while.  It seem like everyone has been so sick, including us.  But the last two weeks...well actually the last month has been enough to last us to the end of the year!  

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