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Thursday, July 28, 2011

He Makes Me Proud

These are horrible pictures, but I am so glad that my old point and shoot was nearby to catch this.  Lately, my little man loves sushi or as he calls it "shoe she".   :)  Now I have to get extra sushi because Peyton eats 5 to 6 pieces.   And for the first time he tried to use the chop sticks.  It was hilarious watching him.  He even eats the ginger like it is candy.  I have to hide some for myself because if I don't, I won't get any!  My little "shoe she" partner makes me so proud.  Love him to pieces!!! 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Watching Cars 2

We took a chance and went to the movie theater again with Peyton.  He hated it a little over a year ago!  :)  We figured that since Peyton loved the Circus and the Hornet's games, he would probably be okay with a movie now.  So we chose the 2:30 movie and loaded up on drinks, popcorn and candy.  He actually enjoyed it.....well until the movie got boring to him.  And to his defense, the movie was kind of boring and was really a little too old for a three year old which resulted with Peyton falling asleep in my lap about 20 minutes before the end.  But it was nice cuddling with my little man for those 20 minutes!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 8 of Pensacola Beach

I love taking this type of picture and seeing how Peyton's feet get bigger and bigger each year.   I hope he continues to let me do this until the age of 30!  :)
Sea Shells by the Sea Shore!
My friend Brian, who I have not seen in 15 years and is stationed at the Navy Base in Pensacola.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 7 of Pensacola Beach

Uncle Brian trying out Wind surfing.
Okay, enough of that and hanging out with Maddie.

Blowing bubbles with Grammy and
then hanging out with Grand Dad.
Uncle Brian playing the guitar for the kids.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 6 of Pensacola Beach

Can't get enough of the water
and each other!! 
Maddie dancing.
Snack time for everyone after so much fun in the sun.
Giving Cousin Maddie a kiss!