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Friday, April 10, 2009

No Shrimp for You

Today Peyton had his 15 month peditrician visit. The last visit was absolutely horrible and I was almost tempted to get Kevin to take him today since he was off work. The only thing that stopped me was that there were some questions I had for the doctor. When we got there, Peyton did not catch on to what was happening at first.......until he saw the white coat. I told the doctor (as Peyton was letting loose) that he was not going to be her favorite patient today. LOL. Of course, he didn't want the doctor near him! He screamed and cried and pushed and kicked....and there was tears and snot everywhere. AND all she did was check his vitals. The worse was about to come. Good old shots from the nurse. After a brief discussion the doctor left the room. While waiting for the worse part, Peyton continued to scream, cry, kick and forcefully leaned in towards the door just begging us to leave. He KNEW what was coming. Of course this is when the nurse took forrrevvver to get his shots ready. I mean 20 minutes forever. That is a long time when you have a screaming, very upset kid in your arms. When the nurse finally came into the room, apologizing profusely, she suddenly looked away for she had to notice the pissed off, aggitated look on my face. What the heck was she doing anyway? Taking some sort of break as my poor kid was letting the whole office know he wasn't happy? Giving him the shots was the worse. I had to hold his little arms down and kiss his red, swollen face as the nurse poked his legs. It took everything for me not to start crying myself. I was pretty stressed out by this point. I had him up in my arms before the nurse even had a chance to put bandaids on his legs. I had enough with this torture of my baby! I wanted him out of there. The funny thing is right after the shots he instantly stopped screaming. I guess he knew the worse part was over with. But I couldn't get out of there fast enough. Horrible I say!!!

Afterwards we went to a friends house for some boiled shrimp. Needless to say that Peyton was not in the best of moods . You can tell with the look on his face when we took the shrimp away. Sorry, even though you had a rough day little man, no shrimp for you! :)

My poor sweetie!


  1. Aww! Look at that face! It never gets any easier with those shots. That guilty feeling, I know it all too well. I think Peyton deserved a steak dinner after that torture! LOL

  2. My mother in law gave shrimp to Alex without asking me first. So, ever since then we've given him shrimp when we've had it and he's been fine.
    \\\ (that's Alex, he says "whatcha doin mommy?")
