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Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Day with Grammy

Since Peyton missed out seeing Grammy for Easter, he spent the day with her today. This gave me a chance to go grocery shopping. Good thing because we were literally out of everything! I took my time with shopping and saved us over 50 dollars! I had time to compare prices and think about what we really needed and what could hold off until next time. I find myself when shopping with Peyton throwing stuff in the basket as my mind is freezing over due to Peyton losing patients being in the basket after a while. I have a problem with people staring at me because Peyton is screaming his head off. LOL! Not his fault though because I am a slow shopper! HA!

1 comment:

  1. What a difference it makes to shop alone, doesn't it? Like you, I shop so much smarter when the kids aren't throwing into the cart and hubby's not rushing me. I've also read that you shouldn't grocery shop on an empty stomach because it makes you buy more unnecessary items. Makes sense.
