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Friday, April 17, 2009

My Sidekick, Zack

My puppy is at the groomers today. And for some reason I didn't realize just how much he helps me when it comes to Peyton. See the picture below. Well, if puppy was home, I wouldn't have had to worry about this mess to pick up after lunch. HA! I didn't realize how much Peyton can waste.....or how many "treats" Zack really does get everyday. Lucky dog!
PS And to those who may notice...yes Peyton is still wearing the same outfit from yesterday. LOL. He was too worn out yesterday from being at Grammy's for bathtime or even for a change of clothes. So he had a quickie wash down after his messy lunch.


  1. haha! My dogs are spoiled too because they have Sofia's leftovers as well... They'll sit and watch her like, "You don't want that.... yucky... gag gag" and then when she feels them looking at her... *drop* She'll drop them scraps and she gets the biggest kick out of it. Kids!

    Peyton is the cutest!

  2. Hey, there, stranger! You've been tagged! :-)
