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Monday, May 18, 2009

♫ This is the way we brush our teeth ♪

With the help of some really great tasting bubble gum toddler toothpaste and a catchy song, he finally enjoys this little routine. For a while, it was a constant fight! The only thing is that now, of course, he wants to do it himself. I may get a couple of brushes in there, but after that I have to hand over the toothbrush! :)


  1. Chloe loves to brush her teeth.In the mornings we let her do it by herself but in the evenings we brush them first. Then she finishes them for us.Have you tried brushing when Peyton's in the bathtub? The water and toys distract Chloe enough to let us get a few good scrubs in.

  2. Hmmmm, I may have to try that for evening brushes!! Thanks.

  3. I was basically going to say exactly what Heather said!! Andrew brushes them in the morning and he along with us brush them while in the tub at night.

  4. Olivia wants to brush her teeth herself, too! lol What I really think is she just likes licking that flavored toothpaste off the brush lol. I've gotta try the music!
