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Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Well it seems like a little someone is feeling alot better! Little booger knows when he can get away with things. But overall I am glad to see him smile and laugh again. Peyton is ITCHING to go outside. And of course, it is raining today!! He has been stuck inside for the last two days. Hopefully the zoo tomorrow if it is not raining. My little honey is having cabin fever. We need to go outside and do the go-away rain dance. :)

Sorry for the sidewards video again. I keep doing that for some reason.


  1. I am happy to hear he is feeling better!

  2. I'm glad he's feeling better. Sideways video is better than none. I haven't quite figured it out yet.

  3. Do you have Windows Movie Maker on your computer? It's pretty easy to flip your movies horizontal in it. If you want I can help you to flip it.

  4. Awwwww... that totally brought a smile to my face, Connie! He's so cute! He's certainly loving your reaction! LOL Sofia does the same thing.
    So adorable... TY for sharing!
