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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Dada Knows

Me. (Upstairs on the computer)

Hubby. (downstairs with baby)

I hear baby crying and complaining for about 10 minutes now. Oh, Lord I said to myself. I know what's next. He will be up here asking what to do with the baby. I hear footsteps. See?...I think to myself. I can't have any peace.

Hubby comes into the computer room. 'Kiss Peyton' he says. I do. 'Whatcha doing' I ask. 'Naptime' he says as he is heading towards Peyton's room. I hear Peyton cry louder in protest as he is being put down in his crib. Hubby comes back.

Me. 'Ya know, everytime he cries does not mean he needs a nap. Have you tried giving him a snack?'

Hubby. 'Yes, I gave him milk and three cookies.'

Me. 'Well how do you know he is not still hungry? He could be telling you he is thirsty.'

Hubby. 'I gave him milk and cookies and it seemed like he was through. After playing for a while he started whining again.'

Me about to say something else but baby suddenly quiets down.

Hubby. 'And now he is sleeping. See? Dada knows' he says as he walking out of the room.

Me thinking. Pssstt. Whaaatevver! :)


  1. Its funny how we are home with them all day everyday and then Dadda comes home and thinks he knows it all.

    Delaney was crying and Alex gave her a bottle and said "see, she was hungry" I thought to myself.....you had a 50/50 shot to get it right. She was hungry or tired. And you guessed right genius :)

  2. Funny... isn't it annoying when he is actually right?

  3. Awwww... he was tired! Poor baby! hehe
    The same thing happens in this house. Gotta give them credit though, at least they try, huh?
    Sofia lets me know now when she's thirsty. I have the case of water bottles open on the floor so when she's thirsty, she'll go take one out and bring it to me. hahaha!
