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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

First Advent Calendar

Peyton got today his first Advent Calendar from his Auntie Dawn and Uncle Brian.  What is it?  Well, I had to look it up at first.  When first asked if Peyton ever had one, I thought it was something from Avent that sells bottles and baby supplies.  Not the same Advent!  LOL! Actually, it is a German traditional calendar.  (For those who do not know, Kevin's mom is German so I get to celebrate many German Christmas traditions, which I love and know Peyton will love.)  Kevin and his sister Dawn use to get one from their grandmother (Mutti) every year for Christmas.  So I know it brings back many wonderful childhood memories! It is a Calendar that has a piece of chocolate behind each day until Christmas Eve.  What a wonderful tradition!  I have a feeling now that Peyton and future Baby Breen will be having a Advent Calendar every year from now on.   Now, I just have to keep Daddy from eating the chocolate.  :)


  1. I didn't know what Advent was either. Xander came home with some wreath with candles on it and you have to light them at certain times. Alex had to explain it to me :)
