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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Bully Me Today Please

Today as Kevin was leaving he asked me what I was doing today.  I told him nothing really and he said why don't I go to City Park since it was such a beautiful day.  I thought that was a great idea because I have a photo shoot Saturday and I wanted to check my hotspots.   So Peyton and I headed over to City Park.

After feeding the ducks, we started walking around and then headed back to the playground. 

My poor baby must have had a "Bully Me Today Please" sign on his forehead because I think I have told a total of 3 kids to chill out with my baby.   The first kid was a toddler himself who decided that he wanted Peyton to move from the wheel Peyton was playing with almost knocking my him down the steps.  I sternly told the kid "hey, no pushing"!  The kid listened and moved away from Peyton, but I looked around for the mother.  Shouldn't she be the one telling her kid not to push others?  Where was the mother of this toddler boy?  Who knows.  But Peyton, being the kid that he is .....who doesn't know the meaning of hitting or pushing others (yet)  got his feelings hurt and ran to me crying.   Okay, I said, let's go to Storyland. 

So, we get to Storyland and of course Peyton loved it.  We must have played there for almost two hours.  So about halfway through, a little girl who was also a toddler decided that she wanted Peyton to do something or go somewhere (don't know which it was) and proceeded to drag him in that direction.  Peyton was just looking at her with this "what the hell are you doing" look on his face.  Before I could say anything, the little girl's father (thank goodness) told her to leave Peyton alone. 

Then when we were almost through the walk, Peyton went to the last playhouse and there was a four year old little girl and a five year old little boy in there.  When they saw Peyton going up the stairs, the little girl screamed to Peyton for him to go away and that he wasn't allowed in the house.  Then the little boy screamed the same thing and he threw a rock in Peyton's direction.  NOW, I am mad!!!  I walk over to them and told them that the playhouse was for every little boy and girl and they are not to scream or throw rocks at a baby and if they did it again, I was going to look for their mother.  They nodded in agreement and went on their way.  Peyton then decided he didn't want to go in the house.  Me, being me, made him go in.  Only because....well, I don't want my child to be a bully, but he is not going to be a whimp either. 

As we were going in the little boy and girl was climbing down the stairs out of the playhouse and told Peyton not to mess up the chairs.  I didn't know what they were talking about but told them to go play, thinking that they probably would not return before Peyton moved on to something else.  About a minute later, the little boy and girl came back and saw that Peyton did indeed move the chairs in the house and  they started screaming at Peyton "what did I tell you". 

My goodness!  (once again I look around for the parents)  Do parents really not keep an eye on their kids these days?  I told them that they better stop or I was going to ask them to leave the playhouse.  They looked at me and said okay.  So after about 10 minutes of all three of them playing really nice in the playhouse, I told Peyton it was time to leave because I had to change his diaper.  The little girl looked at me and asked

"He is that little where he is still in diapers?"

I said  "Yes, he is still a baby and that is why I asked you not to scream at him.  He doesn't understand why you are screaming at him"

She said "My brother just turned two".

I responded "Well Peyton is not even two yet.  You still think your brother is a baby right?"

She nods yes.   Then she says

"Well my brother is a baby and I can push him around"     Damn, is she in her own way telling me I am overreacting?   :)  So I respond.

"Well Peyton is not your brother and you have to be nice to other people's baby".   

She nods again and off she goes.   Once again, shouldn't it be her mother telling her this? 

Oh, well.....Peyton and I had a great time this morning in the wonderful weather despite the bullying.  I just have to get use to toddler behaviors.  Man, am I not use to it yet.  I am so busy trying to teach Peyton not to hit,  push or bully I forget about it happening to him.   

The joys and worries of motherhood!!!


  1. poor thing, I would have kicked their ass ;)

  2. Oh, those bullies made me mad just reading this! I think you handled things perfectly. I would have to resist the urge of being completely irrate, but man, when you love your kid so much and see people bullying him. . . Just not cool!

    On a happier note. . . Those are really lovely pictures. :-D
