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Monday, March 11, 2013

No Mommy Award for Today

I have to say, I have a good little boy.  He is so sweet and playful and loving and kind and helpful, especially when it comes to Emma.  But once in a long while, he catches the tantrum bug.  Today was that day.  And I didn't handle it very well.  I didn't walk away from this one feeling confident with how I handled it.  And after it was said and done, I wondered how I could have handled it differently.  But...(and it is a small but) in my defense, I am still coming down from the hormone hill due to pregnancy, so it is hard.  I mean very hard!

I always hated to see my boy cry or upset.  I would do anything to avoid that from happening.  But sometimes it can't be helped.  Sometimes the answer no has to be said.  And as hard as it is for me to stick with it sometimes, today I had to stick to my answer of no for more than one reason which my sweet little boy wholeheartedly disagreed with.   And our argument lasted a good hour with lots of tears and snot.  Which after a while really got to me and I totally lost it.  Yeah, not a proud moment.  Tears, snot and hormones is not a good combination.  And as hard as it was,  I am a little proud to say that I was cool with the whole tantrum thing for a long while before feeling like I wanted to pull my hair out.  Dealing with a tantrum for 60 minutes straight is kind of difficult even if you are not hormonal. 

The tantrum did end with hugs, kisses and I am sorry.   We hammered it out eventually and he decided to agree with me.  But without busting out with a joke but acting serious "One more thing!"  He pauses with a mean looking on his face.  "I am going to run away from here and go live at someone else's house."  Can you believe this kid?  Ha!   But he couldn't finish that last sentence without busting out laughing which made me laugh.  He then said "I just wanted to make you laugh."    Well, it sure did make me laugh!  How adorable that he tried to lightened the mood.  So sweet and so grown up!  

 Thank God he won't remember that Mommy lost her cool with him.   I love that my sweet boy can be so forgiving.   

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