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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Damn, damn...waiting patiently!

Well, it is official...we ordered my new Nikon and two lenses tonight. I am so excited!!! And thanks so much to my blogger friend http://myprettypinkblogette.blogspot.com/2009/06/my-very-own-photoblog.html for helping me make a very hard, but wise decision! I so wish my new camera would arrive tomorrow. :) But I have to be patient....I have to be patient. (Man this is gonna be hard)

I will miss my Kodak though. A lot of people gave Kodak a horrible review, but I actually liked my camera. It took some beautiful pictures like the one of Peyton above. Kevin swears it is me not the camera, but I tend to disagree. Having a great camera helps more than you realize. I never feel the same about my point & shoot pictures. They are always just "okay"! So it has been a week without a camera so far (except the point & shoot) and I think I am going to go crazy. I know the next couple of weeks will be so torturous for me. Until then, I guess I will practice with the pictures I have on my Adobe PE7. Many have seen the picture above already, but due to being on the sand, I pulled a lot of the sunlight away which gave Peyton more color to his skin and brightened his eyes tremendously!

Keep your fingers crossed for me that my new camera will not be back ordered!

1 comment:

  1. Omg! I'm so excited, too! lol Seriously, point and shoot or not, you take great pics and the color is always BEAUTIFUL! So, I know with a dslr in your hands - watch out! Glad I could help, and can't wait to see what you got! :-D
