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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Such a Big Boy Now!

Potty training for a long time was not successful for Peyton and I.  I tried for several months, but Peyton would have absolutely no part of it.  He didn't even want to look at his underwear!  So instead of pushing him, I would wait a couple more weeks and try again.  This went on for a couple of months but I decided that when the big number 3 rolled around, it was going to be serious business!   I waited for all the excitement of his birthday and new toys to die down and I started Monday of this week.  For the first two days, he would stay in his undies for a couple of hours in the morning and we would try to potty every 20 minutes but Peyton kept saying that it "wouldn't work".  Funny!  Then after those couple of hours he would have a tantrum wanting his diaper back on.  I gave in those first couple of days but then it hit me that Peyton was holding it until he really, really had to go then screamed for his diaper.  So I decided that the following day, I wouldn't give in.  And it worked!  During his tantrum I kept firm and told him that diapers were for bedtime and during the day he WILL wear his undies and absolute no, no, no to diapers.  I sat him on the potty and he just started going.  Peyton's excitedly said "IT'S WORKING".  And since then he not only had very few accidents, he has been telling me that he has to pee and prefers to stand by the toilet like such a big boy!  It's like we have been training for weeks with how good he is doing.  He still does the other duty in the diaper, but he has been telling me when his stomach hurts (gas) and I throw a diaper on him, he goes, and I put him right back in his undies.  Today he even acted disgusted with the dirty diaper after his deed was done and asked for his big boy pants!!!  Yay!!!  This is working out great!!  We are so proud of our little guy! 

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