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Friday, January 28, 2011

School Searches

So the search for schools begins.  Yesterday I stopped over by St. Luke's which is located right behind our house.  I really, really like this school and the way the classes are set up.  The 2, 3 and 4 year old classes are surrounding the Director, Mrs. Beth's office so she can practically hear everything that is happening in each class.  I don't know why but that makes me feel so much better about sending Peyton.  The only problem is that they only have a program from September to May.  They are  closed for the summer.  So Peyton would have to wait until the fall to begin.  

 Today I went to Lakeview Presbyterian School and just missed the touring time but did get some information and had a chance to check out the front and back of the school.  I really didn't get the same feeling as I did for St. Luke's, however, I didn't tour the place so I really don't trust these feelings yet.  I guess what gave me the sour taste is that number one, they shouldn't have a particular tour time.  I kind of feel that this chosen time is when teaches are told to be on their best behavior in case someone walks in.  I feel that I should be able to walk in anytime and check out the school, not when you tell me I can.  Second was when I was signing in, a teacher (I assume) was in the arts  and craft closet and was hollaring a question to another teacher.  I really looked down on that and I think only because I worked in a preschool many, many years ago and we were not allowed to hollar anything to the kids or each other.  Raised voices was a big no-no.  However,  I am going back on Monday morning so I may feel a little better about the place when I leave.  The same issue though is that they are closed for the summer.  So, we are still on the search for a good summer school.  I may check out Little Red Schoolhouse on Metairie Road.....but that is too far away as far as I am concerned but we will see. 

After visitng Lakeview Presbyterian School, Peyton wanted to play some in the public playground next door.  Today turned out to be such a beautiful day, so why not!  :0)  We strolled on over and we both were excited to see two other children playing.  Not too long after we arrived one of the parents left with a child but there was a little boy around Peyton's age who took to him very nicely.  While they played together the Grandmom and I struck up a conversation and then I was told by her that her grandson, PJ, was out of school today because he has pinkeye.  REALLY?  AHHHHHHHHHHH.  Nobody could hear me but trust me when I say that I was screaming NOOOOOOOOO in my head!  I wish I could have seen the look on my face but before I could even respond Peyton ran to me saying he had to peepee, which gave me a great excuse to say our goodbyes, quickly leave, go home and scrub the heck out of our hands.   What was that Grandmom thinking to bring her grandson to a playground touching everything when he has pinkeye???  Did she not know how contagious pinkeye can be????  :0(    Especially with a child Peyton's age that all they do is put their fingers in their month.  Well, I just hope that Peyton (and I) do not come down with it.  I had it when I was pregnant with Peyton after catching it from my prenatal visit and it surely was not fun for me and can just imagine dealing with that with a three year old.   Lord help me!!!

On a good note, Peyton is really drawing up some great smiley faces.  He sure is a cutie pie!!


  1. OMG... that Grandmother! I can't believe the NERVE! When Sofia has a cold, I never take her out. Not only because of course, she'd get every kid sick that she gets in contact with but I just wouldn't feel right. I hate when I take her to the day care at the gym and they have a sign that says "If your child has a runny nose or cough, he/she is not allowed to attend day care." I always keep her home and when she's ALL better and I take her back, I see kids there with runny noses and coughing. I don't get it. LOL! Some people!!!

    Good luck with the school! Glad you found a place that you're happier with. *hugs*

    ps. And how cute is Peyton!? He's soooooooooooo handsome!
