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Monday, August 18, 2008

New Things

Peyton is now saying Mama, Dada and Baba (we say for bottle). Even though he is not really associating these words to Kevin or I yet, it is still cool to hear him say it. Peyton is also eating some table foods and certain snacks such as cherrios and his favorite snack so far are teething cookies to become totally messy with. He is now at the point where he cries if he does not get his way (such as playing with the dog's toys) and scooting has turned into me chasing behind him because he has become so fast with it. He is using his knees more so me thinking he is getting nowhere fast days are gone. He is becoming very affectionate lately and when he turns to me to grab my face and bring his to mine to put his slobbery, wet mouth on my cheek totally melts my heart. Peyton puts his arms up to be held or picked up and squeals in delight when we do. And when he does not want to be held any longer he knows how to straighten his body to slide right off the lap or hip. He absolutely loves his walker. As nervous as it makes me until we get a house that does not have steps everywhere, it is worth sitting on the floor for 30 minutes at guard by the baby gate while he runs across the floor in it as fast as his little legs can go. He is now opening and shutting drawers and cabinets and trying to pull himself up on things (god forbid)!His eyes are turning more blue by the day and his hair is turning more golden brown and curls nicely on top when I put baby lotion or suntain lotion in it. I think he will have little curlies when his becomes a tot and this will make it hard for me to cut his hair. I think curls on a baby is so darn cute! BUT he is still not sleeping through the night. Well, not everything can be perfect!

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