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Monday, May 26, 2008

New Things

New things that Peyton has been doing are: He found his voice. He now knows that he can babble really loud. I am waiting for him to realize just how loud he can get. Oh, and he is saying the word -hi-. Okay, funny, but it seems like he is saying it. We tell him -hi baby- so much, I think he caught on the sound hi. He will play with his feet or toys and all of a sudden we will hear -hi- from him. When he does that we shower him with extra attention, so I think he knows what he is doing! Now all I hear is Dada from Kevin. I think we have a while for that!He is becoming very mobile. He rolls around back and forth so fast that I can't keep my eyes off of him for too long. When he is on his stomach, he kicks with his legs to move around. Kevin and I had to put up a gate by the stairs so that he does not fall down them. We also put together his walker and he moves in circles but I don't think he realizes just how mobile he can be in it. I have no problem waiting on that discovery. This is the time that mommy is going to have a heart attack worrying about him falling down the stairs and busting his head. I think I am going to invest in more gates!Peyton gave us his first belly laugh. And I managed to video it! I was originally trying to get a video of him babbling, then all of a sudden Zack started barking which for some reason tickled Peyton's funny bone. He started laughing really hard and even threw in a couple of snorts. It was quite funny. I couldn't wait for Kevin to come home so I could show him the video. Now Kevin and I are on a mission of finding more things to make him laugh. We found a couple and got little laughs, but have not yet got that deep laugh. He mostly looks at us with a smile on his face like he is wondering why we are acting insane! But we are still trying. Peyton is teething really, really bad. He puts anything and everything in his mouth that he can get his hands on. And he is drooling like a water hose. Sometimes the whole front of his onsie gets totally soaked. This also comes with irritability, but mostly at night which makes it hard to get him down to sleep. During the day it doesn't seem as bad. I guess because of the distractions. Once over the weekend, he had a slight fever and was very grumpy, but a little dose of Tylenol and everything was okay. Teething I read is hereditary and my mom told me I was about 7 months when I had my first tooth. If he is starting now with the symptoms, I think we should be seeing a tooth in a couple of months. And our boy has a nice little appetite. I don't want to increase his rice cereal intake just yet, so I plan on giving him oatmeal cereal as well. And even though I am a couple of weeks early, I decided to start him on one vegetable of baby food. That with the cereal seems to be working because he has been satisfied. So far no allergic reactions to the sweet potato. And in the next week and a half, I will try another vegetable and maybe a fruit. That is it for now. I am very lucky to have such a wonderful baby. And most of all I am lucky to have such a wonderful husband that made it possible for me to stay at home with Peyton to experience all these things. Thanks honey!

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