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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Big Boy Toys

Peyton is now reaching for toys! He is bored with the swing and the bouncer chair. So, we had to crack open the Lay and Play and the Jumparoo. He loves the jumparoo even though his feet does not quite touch the floor yet. But he learned real fast that he could bounce by kicking his legs. Peyton is pretty much where he is suppose to be with his developmental milestones. The Ped said that he may be a little behind due to the fact that he came almost a month early, but not so much that it is really noticed except by his mommy. Peyton has done everything so far except for using his arms to hold his head up during tummy time. Kevin and I have been working with him with his tummy time which he still does not necessarily like. He is a fusspot everytime it is that time, but he is getting better. He is actually trying to roll over when he is on his back, and when he does try Kevin and I assist him by showing him how to finish the task. Except it seems that when he is on his stomach, he doesn't know what to do from that point except suck his hands. So, we still have some work to do with that. My Ped said to put him on his stomach at least once a day, but I read that I should put him on his stomach 5-8 times a day during play. We have been doing that and so far seen some improvement on his part.In a way I am not in a hurry for him to grow up so fast. His little personality is blooming so much. He makes me laugh almost every day. Once a day we lay on a pillow for more play and talk time. At first he would always lay on his back. Now he rolls on his side to face me and touches my face as he talks to me. What a sweet boy!

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