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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Feet Fetish

Today was filled with tears, tantrums, and good ol' Motrin. The only thing that stopped these tears was to let him have the things he knows he cannot have. My camera was one of them. And after a while, you do just about ANYTHING to have some quiet. So there I was handing over my camera slightly amused that he puts the camera to his mouth instead of his eye and presses the button. A flash occurs, he loses interest and searches for something new to con Mommy into giving him. But hey, at least he took a good picture. :)

Thank GOD I shaved and clipped my toenails last night! HA!


  1. lol! I know how that is. Sometimes, Olivia will not let me do ANYTHING. So, I hand over the cell phone, camera, wallet, whatever is that will entertain her just to get a moment of peace! :-)

  2. Oh yeah... I know how what that's like. LOL
