Today Kevin ran the Crescent City Classic. He does this every year and has been getting better and better. He beat his record from last year by running the whole 6 miles in under an hour. Good job honey. I use to be one of the walkers but since I am dealing with Achilles Tendonitis, I figured it would be best if I sat this one out. I did enjoy hanging out with Peyton and lounging under the Lockheed tent drink beers and eating burgers. :)
Peyton couldn't get enough of all the puppies that was out today.
Hanging with Daddy after the race.
It was kind of chilly at 7:00 this morning waiting for the runners to appear.
Meeting Daddy at the finish line.
I miss all the LM perks. They used to rent out the entire Six Flags park in Denver for Friends/Family day and they would often give everyone free tickets to see the MLB team there. Fun times!