Welcome to the Davis Diary

Peek into our life!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Peyton's Summer Playdate

Today we had 13 beautiful little ones over for a sandbox and swimming pool playdate. I think overall, the sandbox and the water slide was a big hit! :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dinner with Grammy and Grand Dad

Tonight we had dinner with Grammy and Grand Dad. I think they were missing us since they spent the whole week with us the week before last in Florida! ;) Grand Dad threw a bunch of stuff on the grill!

Now, tell me that this doesn't look delicious!!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Natalie, Chloe and Bryce's Playdate

Today we had a swimming playdate at Natalie, Chloe, and Bryce's house. Peyton wasn't too interested in swimming even though Chloe and Bryce had a cool pool! He wanted to play inside with all of toys. Funny it seems like when we are at home, all he wants to be is outside!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Memories with Mr. Potato Head

As I was walking through Rite Aid tonight, I spotted good Ol' Mr. Potato Head down the toy aisle. A flood of memories came back because to be honest, I haven't seen one in quite some time. So I bought it for Peyton. He played and played with it until it was time for bed. The only thing different with this Mr. Potato Head from the one I had as a child was that my Mr. Head's arms bent....and I had more accessories! Kevin asked me if there was a Mr. Potato head song and I couldn't remember. So I looked it up on the internet. The commercials were so hilarious! I absolutely love the very first Mr. Potato Head. Kids used real potatoes! HA! I must have sat for an hour looking at old commercials on You Tube that I use to see as a child. It brought back many memories!

I even came across the very first Ronald McDonald with McDonalds. That clown was pretty creepy! :)



Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lion, Tigers and Bears

Mimi, Pawpaw, Peyton and I finally made it back to the zoo. Our plans originally were to go yesterday, but we found out (by the Security Guard) that the zoo is closed on Monday! Bummer! So we packed back up and headed back home and made plans for today. It was a little warmer today, but we had a great time!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

City Park Pictures

Today we decided to go to City Park to let Peyton run around and burn off some energy. We didn't know at the time that there was a concert being held in the park somewhere and there were cars and people everywhere. But we found a good spot to park and had some fun feeding the ducks, running around, and taking pictures...of course. :) Afterwards we stopped for some yummy ice cream. The weather was beautiful today...still a little warm, but tolerable compared to the weather we been having.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Playdate at Heather & Chloe's

Today we were invited to Heather and Chloe's house for a morning playdate. We had a great time. We had eight girls and three little boys. Peyton was surrounded by all kinds of little girl beauties!!

It was so cute.....when everyone was leaving the moms had the kids kiss everyone goodbye. Kendra and Isabelle was leaving so I told Peyton to kiss Isabelle goodbye. Well he walked up to Kendra and kissed her. So I said "now kiss Isabelle" and Peyton kissed Kendra again. Well Isabelle went in for the kill and planted a big kiss right on Peyton's mouth. Peyton then pulled back and had a look on his face like "ewwwhhh, I was just kissed by a girl!". It was hilarious!!! Thanks Heather and Chloe for a great morning!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Grandparents to the Rescue

Peyton spent the day with Mimi and Pawpaw. This helped me alot since I had grocery shopping to do as well as getting the rest of the laundry done. When we picked Peyton up later he was so exhausted from playing hard and swimming all day. It was funny that he kept following my dad around and calling him Mimi. To him, Pawpaw is his Mimi. We would say "that's Pawpaw, this is Mimi" as we point to my mom. He would just smile and point to my dad and say Mimi! So funny......And the airplanes in the sky to Peyton is the moon. He will point to them passing by and say moon, moon. So cute!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Vacation from Vacation?

Upon returning home from Florida, our house is a wreck, there is a ton of clothes that needs to be unpacked, washed, dried and put away, boxes to unpack, dishes to unload and put away, toys are everywhere, grass needs to be cut, weeds to pull, garden to maintain.....and yet Kevin and I sat all day watching TV. Then we decided to take a bike ride down to Lago's and order an oyster sandwhich with Margaritas. (like we haven't ate bad enough and drank enough alcohol all week) :) Is this what it means to "take a vacation from vacation"?
Hurry up Daddy!!!

See Ya Next Year Florida

We are finally home from our Florida trip. We had such a great time!!! :) Peyton really loves the sand and water now. Which means that we all got a dark tan from being in the sun so much! We played all day on the bay side beach or walked across the street to the Gulf side. So we had a lot of sand play. I have a little brown baby now (with a little white butt). And to think he got this tan with sunscreen of 50 SPF. HA! Kevin and I was a little worried that with the new enviroment Peyton would give us problems with the sleeping arrangements. But from being in the sun all day long, Peyton was taking three hour naps and was ready for bed by 8:00. Which was so great for Kevin and I! We had so much free time to nap ourselves and lounge around. For the 4th of July we watched the fireworks from the boardwalk and we even got to watch the Blue Angels practice for their show. Their air practice was right above our condo. THAT was so cool to watch.

You know me that I have 1001 pictures, but here are a few of our trip: