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Friday, March 26, 2010

2010 Easter Egg Hunt

Today was our Third Annual Eggs-tra Special Easter Playdate at Lafrenierre.  We had a BLAST!!   I had a blast.  Last year Peyton could care less about Easter eggs!  This year...well let's just say that I had to keep throwing some eggs back as Peyton was picking them up because we had way too many.  We had the kids line up on the sidewalk until the count of 3 and then let them run to find the eggs.  It was so funny seeing the kids so excited and very impatient to get started.  Peyton being one of them!!  I think I had to call him back like three times.

One of the moms brought a live bunny for pictures.  Peyton was thrilled to see the bunny!  After bunny pictures we ate lunch, ate chocolate, rode the carousel, decorated Easter cookies, played with sidewalk chark, blew bubbles, played on the playground and fed the ducks.  We had a very full day!!

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, he's gotten so big! So has my Sofia. =( It's a bitter sweet feeling, huh?
    HE looks like he loved rubbing that bunny! Adorable! Glad y'all had fun!
    *hugs, Connie*
