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Friday, October 16, 2009

Picka Pumpkin Time

Today Kevin, Peyton and I went to St. Martin's Episcopal Church to pick out our Halloween pumpkins.  We started this hopefully ongoing tradition of picking our "family" pumpkins.  A daddy, mommy and baby pumpkin to carve and put out on our front porch.   Last year my pumpkin family came out so nice. I was proud!  I can't wait to see how they turn out this year.  The weather was beautiful today being cool and sunny.  Peyton had a great time running  through the pumpkin patches and picking up the pumpkins.  We had to constantly keep him from throwing the pumpkins around like balls!   And it was hilarious that Peyton kept calling the pumpkins "apples"!   :)  I LOVE this time of the year!  Now it is time for me to carve our little family pumpkins and see if I can manage to cook something out of the pumpkins insides.  I wanted to try last year, but didn't have the nerve.  I will see what I can do this year.......maybe!  HA! 

1 comment:

  1. Such adorable photos. Your son looks SO much like you in the 3rd pic from the bottom. :D
