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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Game Face

Today we headed to Coconut Beach for a Lockheed Volleyball Tournament.  To Kevin's disappointment, his team did not make it far in the playoffs......and I had to remind him (several times) that it is just a game.  I think he wanted a prize!  :)  Men and their sports!  HA!   Afterwards we played with Peyton tossing one of the extra volleyballs around in the sand and I saw something familiar with Peyton......Daddy's game face.  Boy we sure do have a future (serious) volleyball player coming to Coconut Beach in some years to come. 


  1. Love the tones in Peyton's photos! Hope you're doing well.

  2. Ahh. . . such cute pictures. :-D And you're right. . . what is with men and their sports?
