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Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Very Very Full Day!

Yesterday was such a beautiful day! So my hubby decided to get his volleyball team together for practice so they can get their sand legs back. During the winter all teams play indoors. So, its back to sand time at Coconut Beach. I really miss playing. I was really in shape when I played. But having to have surgery on my knee is holding me back. And the fact that I have tendonitis in my heel doesn't help either. Huhhh.... oh well, I get to play in the sand with Peyton and that is just as much fun. :) I just have to find a way for playing with sand will help me get back in to shape...HA!

Peyton being mischievous...... :)

Peyton is such a little flirt. He is playing with one of our volleyball friend's little girl, Sarah.

So after a beautiful day outside we returned hom around 5:00 so that Kevin could go to the Hornet's game. Now, I am not a basketball fan. I am all about football! HA! So when Kevin's partner bailed out on him yesterday AT THE LAST MINUTE, I was doing everything in my power to help him find someone because......I didn't want to go! It turned out that everyone had plans last night. So here is how it ended up.

hubby. "All the single guys has plans tonight and it is too late to ask the married guys to go because they don't have enough time to get permission from their wives." lol -but true!!

me. "Well I don't want to go."

hubby "I know, I not asking you to go, even though you will enjoy it because when I took you two years ago the Hornets sucked. Now they are doing good and it is more fun"

me.... on the phone calling another guy that I know to see if he wanted the ticket. Damn...he said no.

me. "Well he said he already has plans. What are you going to do, go by yourself?'

hubby. "I guess I have to."

me....huffing and puffing......"okay, okay, I will go."

Needless to say, Kevin was in heaven bring Peyton for the first time to a Hornet's game. He has been wanting to bring him since he was born to a game. So, this was his first opportunity. Peyton and I didn't even have a chance to shower after having sun tan lotion all over us. So that is why my poor son's hair looks so greasy in the pictures.

But I have to say..... I had a GREAT time! And I am glad we went together. Peyton was such an angel during the whole game considering how tired he was from being in the sun all day long! And after the game we had Peyton take a picture with Hugo. That was fun! So I guess if hubby has another extra ticket next time...I will probably go again!

Daddy was in heaven having Peyton with him for a Hornet's game!

We won!!!

I have a feeling I will be seeing more of these type of stares from my two guys!

Meeting Hugo! Fun, fun.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!


  1. should have called Patrick

  2. Wow, they are really into the game! So glad you had a good time, after all. Beautiful pics! How I long for summer, already.

  3. Looks fun - we haven't been to a Hornets game with Maddie yet - football for me, too! You may have encouraged me.
