Peyton "Mommy in a few months, Emmalia will be here."
Mommy "You are right, just a couple more months."
Peyton "How will she get out of your stomach to get here?"
I have been waiting for this question. And I thought very hard about how to explain it to him gently so that he doesn't become alarmed or nervous. I even had him watch a birthing show with me, nothing too awful with the mother screaming bloody murder or anything, but a calm water birth. Even though that is NOT how I am planning to give birth, I figured it would help give him an idea. Which I think it kind of did.
Mommy "Well, do you see this white line?" showing him my c-section scar. "Well, when Mommy had you the doctor opened this line up and pulled you out. When it is time for Emmalia to come, the doctor is going to do the same thing."
Peyton "Will it hurt?"
Mommy "No, it won't hurt. The doctor will make sure they will give me good medicine so that it doesn't hurt. It didn't hurt when they pulled you out, and it won't hurt when they pull Emmalia out."
Peyton "Well, it will hurt me. I will say NO, I DON'T WANT TO SEE THAT!"
Mommy laughing "Well you will be in another room with Mimi, Paw paw, Grammy, Grand Dad, Nanny and maybe Mrs. Becca and Mrs. Erin, so you won't see anything. The room where they pull Emmalia out will be just me and Daddy and the doctors."
Peyton was in deep thought for a moment then says "Maybe they will put you in a bathtub with water, you take some deep breaths like this (he breathes in and out heavily) and then you will pull the baby out from underneath the water." So he was paying attention to the the birthing show even though it is not as easy as he imagines it to be! Ha!
I let the conversation end there. If it makes him feel better that is how Emma will get here, then so be it. Maybe we will talk about it again later. This parenting thing to an older child about life is quite interesting! Love my boy!
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