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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 1 -On the Road and Downtown Disney

We got up really early to get on the road.  Like 1:00 a.m. early!  It was hard, but in the end so worth it.  Peyton slept majority of the trip and there was no traffic.  Around 9:00 we stopped to have a bite to eat.  Peyton was so excited to see Cody and Cullen again.  He definitely has not problem hanging out with older kids.  Once we arrived (finally) we checked into our condo and headed out to Downtown Disney for some shopping and dinner.  We ate at this cool Mexican restaurant and the kids wanted to hit Lego Land, so that is where we spend majority of our time after dinner.  I could never get into Legos.  Honestly I don't see the attraction, but the boys love them and so does Peyton.  Peyton saw a truck, trailer and boat set that he talked his Daddy into buying.  With the condition that we would not open it until we got home.  Peyton agreed and was proud of his new set.   We arrived back to the condo around 11:00 and we all went to bed.  After all, we had a long day ahead of us.  Okay, a long week!!  :)

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