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Monday, September 5, 2011

Too Funny to Forget

I love that this child can make me laugh everyday.  Everyday it is something new.  I really should be writing everything down because I tend to forget them.  But here are some of the most memorable ones.  :)


Peyton grabs my foot and stares at the polish on my toes.  "Look Mommy, your feet paint is coming off!"    Ha!!!......feet paint!   


Peyton is downstairs watching his favorite program.  The station must had an issue and went off air.  All of a sudden I hear "Uh, Mommy, there is a problem down here!"   So dramatic I swear.


Peyton lays down to take a nap as I was playing on the computer.  Then I hear "Mommy, my eyes are closed but my eyes won't let me go to sleep."   "Why is that?" I asked.  He responds "I don't know, my eyes are keeping me awake." 


Another nap story.  Peyton is so tired but we had plans to meet with his little friend for 2 p.m.  He decided to lay down so trying to keep him awake I proposition for us to go outside with some ice cream.   He sits up, looks at me then says "Mommy, why do you do this to me?"    "What?"  I asked.   "Telling me to eat ice cream when I am trying to go to sleep."  Well, excuse me! :)


Peyton tells me "Mommy, I want to watch Coose Coose."  Trying to figure out what he wanted I asked him to repeat what he said.  "Coose Coose Mommy.   Coose Coose."  Then it came to me.  "Oh, you mean Blue's Clues?"  I asked.   "Yes, Blue's Clues." he says excitedly.    So funny!  


Peyton tells his Mimi that his tummy was hurting so he couldn't finish his dinner.  But then proceeds to tell say  "Mimi, my stomach would feel so much better with an Oreo in it."   Tell me if this little guy does not know how to work his charm!  Ha!

I hear Daddy arguing with Peyton.  "No, Peyton no cookies until after dinner."  Peyton says "But Dr. D (my doctor) said I can eat these cookies."  Kevin replies "Dr. D is Mommy's doctor and Mommy's doctor did not say you can eat cookies."  Peyton argues back "But he did Daddy."   Boy does this kid have an imagination!!!


Peyton asked me today  "Mommy are you on your pa.puter looking at pick.chas  from your cam.wha?"


We just got a new dishwasher and I constantly hit the touch buttons with my hip or stomach when I clean the counter top.  One night I accidental hit a button which stopped a cycle already going and hollered out loud "DARN IT!!"  I then hear from the front room "What did you do Connie??!!!"   Yes, that was from my  three and a half year old son.  When that was said I hear Kevin choking from laughing so hard.  I go in the front room and ask Peyton "What did you say?"  Laughing he asks "What did you do Mommy?"   Yeah, it better be Mommy to you little boy!!!  :)


Peyton and I are playing cars on the bed when Peyton says "Mommy, this is the life."    Yes honey, I wouldn't change it for the world!


Peyton as well as Kevin picked up a cough that lasted a long while.   Peyton is about through with his while poor Kevin is still fighting it big time.  Tonight Angela and Mike came over so we can go to dinner at a fabulous new restaurant.  When we were about to leave Peyton was running around excitedly and all of a sudden he started to have another coughing spell.  Angela said to Peyton  "Aww, I see you still have that nasty cough."  Peyton responds "Yeah I do, but I am still happy."   Everyone busted out laughing!  My little guy is so funny!


"Mommy, I can't laugh anymore."  Peyton says to me.

"Why not!"

"Because I can't stop coughing."   :)


Kevin and I were standing in the kitchen having a sort of  heated discussion when Peyton walks in the kitchen, gets between us, puts his hands out on each side of him and says "Break it up guys!"  Oh.my.God! HA!  :)


Peyton's Pawpaw hurt his foot a couple of months ago which ended  him up on crutches and a wheelchair.  The other day Peyton says to me "Mommy, I hurt my foot."   as he dramatically limped.

"What happened to your foot?" I asked.

"I don't know.  I hurt my foot like Pawpaw.  I think I will need a little wheelchair too!"   Ha ha ha.  So funny   :)


Peyton says the other night to me as he was staring in the dark dining room "Mommy, there are ghost sitting at the table."  Kevin laughs then said "Well, go talk to them."  Peyton responds "No, they are too scary".   Now I know it was just his imagination at work, but he sure did freak me out for a moment.  :)

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