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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Zack Turns 7

Today is my puppy's 7th birthday.  And we had a little celebration!  :)  I happen to mention to Peyton the other day that Zack's birthday was coming up.  Peyton asked where Zack's birthday cake and present was! Now how sweet is that???   I asked Peyton if he wanted Mommy to bake Zack a cake and he said yes and to "sing Happy Birthday to Zack".   (Peyton is SO into birthdays now!)  So I looked online and found a healthy doggy cake recipe!  This recipe sounded disgusting but full of stuff that puppys love like......low-fat peanut butter, honey, carrots, and bananas, topped off (as icing) with low-fat cottage cheese.  Yummy right? It didn't smell so great baking either, but what wouldn't I do for my favorite puppy? When Daddy came home from work, we sang Happy Birthday to Zack, let Peyton blow out Zack's candles, and watched Zack gobble down his small piece of birthday cake (must have been good) and play with his new toy.  Happy Birthday my sweet puppy!


  1. Happy birthday, Zack! Love the picture of him giving you a kiss!

    And I need to get that cake recipe from you. Maggie would LOVE a cake for her birthday.

  2. I need that recipe! When I was a kid we always had doggie birthday parties, sadly I've neglected my own puppies birthdays since the kids got here.
