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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Some Cute Things I Don't Want to Forget

Some cute words:

 Lizards are called "Wizards"

Bathroom is known as "baf room"

He loves to call his daddy "Keeeeee vin"  (like mommy)

Chocolate milk is called "chok it milk"

Peyton's favorite songs that I hear him singing as he plays:

"Shake your booooooby"

"Round and round a circle can be found"

"London Bridge"


"Farmer in the Dell"

"Wheels on the Bus"

"Pop Goes the Weezie"

Some cute conversations:

Peyton walks into my room this morning and asks

"Mommy, where's my yellow van?"

"I don't know honey, did you look downstairs?" I respond

He disappears and returns a minute later with a huge beautiful smile on his face and says "Found it!!" 


Peyton and Kevin was playing downstairs and all of a sudden I hear Peyton crying. 

Peyton comes running up to me

"What happened?"  I asked

" I fall down" Peytons cries

"Are you okay?"

"I okay" he says through big fat tears. 

Walking in on Peyton at the bathroom sink

"What are you doing?" I ask

"Washing my boo boo."

"Washing your boo boo?" I ask

"To make it feel better". Oh, my honey, when did you grow up on me??!!

1 comment:

  1. Too cute! Olivia says "Snow Wipe" and "Sleeping Booty" lol. Hope Pey-Pey's feeling better!
