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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Breakfast and Pajama Playdate

Today Peyton and I was invited to a Breakfast and Pajama Playdate at Bethany and Gracie's house.   Everyone brought a breakfast item...so we had a buffet of different foods!  And it was yummy!!  Peyton was so happy to be out of the house (bad rain the last couple of days) and had a great time playing with Gracie's  toys.  The kids and most of the moms looked adorable in their pjs.   I would have worn mine if I didn't have more Christmas shopping to do afterwards.  :)  Thanks Bethany and Gracie for a wonderful breakfast playdate.


  1. These are like THE cutest kids I've ever seen! Adorable:-).

  2. How fun! Gosh, I'm so behind on blogs.
    Glad to hear you are doing well... and Peyton too! My, how time flies! =)
    *hugs my friend*
