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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's a Duck's World

This morning I had to take a break from making all kinds of phone calls, so Peyton and I decided to head over to City Park to feed the ducks. It was pretty early, maybe around 9:30 a.m. When we got to the playground, it was totally empty except for one parent and her daughter. So I thought we pretty much had the place to ourselves! WRONG!! Everyone must of had the same idea as us because in a matter of minutes, the playground was full of children! :) The weather felt so nice today, I don't think anyone could imagine staying inside when they don't have to.

So Peyton and I headed over to the ducks and boy, they are really hungry at that time of the morning. They came right up to our feet looking up quacking for food. Peyton was so excited that the ducks were so close. I was a little nervous at first wondering if they were going to pluck my feet!! :) But they didn't. They were actually kind of ......sweet! My heart went out to this one little white duckie (second picture down) that has some sort of bill disease. He can't pick up off of the ground and his feathers are not as nicely groomed as the other white ducks. But he kept standing right at my feet asking for bread. Then I figured out that what he wanted was for me to throw him small pieces. He would actually catch the bread with his tongue. Pieces that fell to the ground he left because he couldn't pick it up due to his deformed bill. So sad. I made sure he was feed really good though. I hope he is making it okay out there in duckie world!


  1. Bless his heart! He probably can't groom himself with that bill.

    Glad y'all got to enjoy this beautiful weather!

  2. Looking forward to City Park playdates soon!!

  3. Oh, the poor deformed duck bill. Hope the duck is okay. :-D

    Sounds like a fun morning!

  4. Wow! They look so huge in comparison to Peyton! lol
