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Friday, August 7, 2009

Sleeping Blues

Peyton has had a fever for a couple of days. At first I really didn't know what was wrong. I thought maybe he caught whatever his Daddy had, but he didn't have the same symptoms. Then I realized that he was drooling a lot, so it had to be his top molars coming in. The pain and fever interfered with his sleep in the middle of the night. I would get up, give him something to drink, some Motrin and tried to settle him back to sleep. He was fine as long as I was in the room, but try to leave and you would think something was really wrong by how upset he got. So I had to sit in the rocking chair until he managed to get back to sleep. But not without him lifting his head twenty-five times to make sure that I did not leave the room. Then the last two nights he became a royal pain in the you-know-what about going to bed at 8:00. He would lay in his crib while I was in the room but had a holy of a tantrum if I left. And the constant making sure I was still sitting in the chair got a little annoying. I couldn't sneak out if you know what I mean. Oh, the joys!!!! :)
Tonight when 8:00 rolled around, Kevin and I brought Peyton to his room to read books, play a game (you know, our nightly routine) before putting him into his crib. Cringing about the tears that was about to come. Well he turned right around from his room and headed towards the guest bedroom, crawled up into the guest bed, rolled on his stomach, pulled one of his favorite bears, Isabelle close, closed his eyes and went to sleep. About 30 minutes later I slipped him into his crib undisturbed. We didn't know what that was all about but hey, if it means less tears for the time being, then we can roll with this! :) Maybe he is telling us he is ready for a big boy bed.

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