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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Just Loving It!

My new camera that is! Now, I just need to learn how to use it. Totally different than my Kodak, but I think I will have it down pat before long. This camera is so much faster than my Kodak, so it helps me prove that my child DOES smile! HA!

I made sure the Fed Ex man didn't walk away with my prize again. I had a huge knock hard sign on my door and on my mailbox (just in case he decides that no one is home because there are no cars in front of our house). Ya think he got the hint! Well I have no proof it was him that messed up on my Saturday delivery, but it sure did make ME feel better by giving his a mean look today. :)

1 comment:

  1. Peyton is smiling! lol He's gorgeous, laughing OR crying :-). And I do the same thing with UPS and FedEx - I always put a very clear "PLEASE RING BOTH BELLS" sign on my door when I'm expecting a delivery. I live in a two story home, and sometimes they like to get crafty and just ring one. Next time I see the FedEx guy around here, I'll give him an evil look for you, too lol! Enjoy that camera!
