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Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Boo visit to the Zoo

We had a family zoo trip planned for today for weeks. This day everything worked out that Kevin didn't have to work, my sister didn't have plans and my Mom & Dad was free to go to the zoo. AND today had to be one of the worse times to go! It rain, and rain, and rained some more! It was raining so hard we only saw half the zoo and I only got a few pictures. I was afraid to take my camera out too much in the wet. So much for wishful thinking and listening to the weather guy! :) But I did get a few cute pictures. Oh, well...I guess we will have to try again because Peyton did love the animals we had a chance to see between down pours!

1 comment:

  1. Great pics! We took Olivia last year, the day after her first birthday, and she paid NO ATTENTION to the animals lol. Hubby and I had more fun than she did!
